Bonsai Making Demonstration

Friday, May 27, 2011

Behind The Rules Of Bonsai Project

Robert Steven (Master Of Indonesia Bonsai)

In my intuition I find myself,
In myself I find freedom;
In nature I find the rule,
In the rule I find the wisdom.

 Obviously, all the textbook conventions for bonsai are derived from fundamental concepts of artistry and aesthetic principals of visual art. Among the aesthetic principals of visual art are line, form, color, texture, composition, dimension, perspective and balance. A working understanding of these concepts will enable us to freely create and innovate without hesitation because we understand the essence of the art and what these conventions refer to. Furthermore, a solid understanding of horticultural theory and natural rules is very important to our ability to simulate natural phenomena in a convincing manner.

Premna, A New Rising Star Of Bonsai in Indonesia

Premna, a new rising star of bonsai in Indonesia after Pemphis acidula and Casuarinas equisetifolia.
Premna is tropical and sub-tropical plant found in many countries e.g. China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia to Australia. There are about 200 different species with different leaf shapes and characters, but P. microphylla and P. serratifolia are the most favorite species for bonsai due to the physical character as well as the ideal leaves.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bonsai How The Called Good

By: Robert Stevens

Not all plants that we arbitrarily established and planted in pots can be called as a bonsai. A good Bonsai should meet some basic criteria, and bonsai as beautiful as anything if not accompanied by the appropriate container, it can not called as a good bonsai.

There are still many people who think that a good bonsai dwarf trees that formed just a neat and planted in pots, but to make a good bonsai work, many other disciplines who have under our control including knowledge of aesthetics of art, the science of botany including plant physiology and morphology and flair to observe natural phenomena.

Shuihan Penjing

By: Robert Stevens

Shuihan Penjing is one style in a very popular Chinese Penjing with panoramic view of nature nuanced danao or river edge. Penjing Shuihan uniqueness lies in the use of container planting a thin pot made of white marble to reinforce the impression of surface water in the work.

Shui = Water, Han = Mainland; Shuihan Penjing = Penjing featuring views of water and land.
Shuihan Penjing is one of the styles in China Penjing which show both a natural panorama nuanced danao or river banks with trees as the main object element.
Philosophy is the basis of Shuihan Penjing "Yuan zi ran yi, yi gao zi ran” (Inspiration from nature and refers to the perfection of nature).

Bonsai and Penjing

By: Robert Stevens

Many have asked: whether the same Penjing Bonsai?
The answer is "yes" and "no", depending on the context in which we membicakannya.
Until recently, in many countries, including in Indonesia, there is still much mistaken about the definition of "Penjing." Many consider all the nuances of Bonsai landscape or panorama is Penjing, style grouping who wore a thin pot is Penjing, or there are no statues, pagodas or accessories are Penjing. Though not the case.
We can see there are many who equate art with Bonsai Penjing; but at other times, discuss Penjing as an art form with the understanding that the concept is not clear; even consider Bonsai and Penjing can not contest the joint.

Art & Philosophy Bunjin In Style Bonsai

"The dance of nature full of meaning,
Universe radiant smile stunned ...
When liukan passionate body,
Jalangku glance resist temptation ... "

So far, there is a misguided sense of style "Bunjin" in Bonsai. Some say Bunjin style is the style of "old old", Bonsai should be impressed skinny, tall, dark and miserable ... I do not understand, where the origin of these terms, may only own custom, though, this style is clearly referred to as "Bunjin" (Bh. Japan) or "Literati" (Bh. UK) which means "poet"; in bh. Mandarin is called "Wen-ren."